Friday 7 December 2012


Lets step into the English shoes of Mr. Holmes for a moment and look at the clues:

1. Phone (Blackberry, Manufactured by RIM Canada, Pathetic)

2. Dog (Canine, Resident of the Street, Free Soul)

3. Avial (South Indian Dish (Delicious), Kerala based band (genre malayali rock))

4. L.K. Advani (Indian Politician of BJP, old, not corrupt at all, chacha chowdhry moustaches)

5. Raju (a dear friend from school - name changed out of love)

i am sure that all the Holmes trying to figure this conundrum would be dumbfounded by the disjoint nature of the clues, except maybe one could in a good way relate to Politicians to point 2 (ex. politicians usually maintain a commendable canine army, etc).. what else? is Avail the favourite dish of Advani ji? or Raju?.. no wait a minute... !!! I get it.. Blackberry sucks ass.. so RIM is planning to shut operations and instead open a south indian restaurant which was inaugurated by LK Advani where my friend Raju ate Avial which was so bad that even street dogs refused to eat later... THAT MAKES SENSE !!

ALAS ! RIM still operates. I think god plays fun games every now and then on his divine PS3 where he/she/it sets up a chain of events and sees the expressions on the face of us humans to have his/her/its laugh.

So the story is set in Delhi where four individuals high on life set out for their journey to watch the band Avial perform live at Gloria Deo festival (some christian merry Christmas event) at the Thyagraj Stadium at INA, New Delhi India.

Considering my (not so) considerable know how of the Delhi Geography, I was obviously assigned the role of the Chauffeur. Soon enough, the fiance and the brothers realized that I was not going to be nominated for a Nobel in Navigation that night and the fact that we were about to miss the music in a matter of minutes, I was rather politely shouted at and I took the first available left turn in the Humayun Lane and stopped. After a surgical exchange of seats, I assumed my well deserved position on the backseat.

Within the next 20 minutes we reached the venue and dashed in for the melody.